Ultraviolet stterilizers in the service industry

The safety of visitors is the most important condition for the prosperity of any business in the service sector. The disinfection by UV irradiators of tools in a hairdresser's shop or surfaces in a gym neutralizes most bacteria and viruses that can lead to illness, cause allergic reactions, and therefore spoil the mood of the client and the reputation of the institution.

Bactericidal UV lamps are an environmentally friendly, fast and reagent-free method of disinfection that is gaining popularity. There are different types of irradiators, both indoor recirculators and outdoor irradiators, for water or for air

We manufacture all types of germicidal UV equipment for all applications. In addition to the standard line of UV devices we can produce to order according to your parameters.

UV equipment for service industries

Helpful information about UV lamps

Tools sanitization
How to choose the right recirculator

01. Recirculators UVL-AERO

Enclosed indoor germicidal recirculators will kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the air. They are stylish, compact units in durable steel housings that will fit into any interior. We produce double-acting recirculators: they can work with the lid closed as an air irradiator in the presence of people, and with the lid open as an air and surface irradiator in the absence of people.

The power of the recirculator is selected based on the volume of air in the room. 1W of UV lamp radiation is able to disinfect 5 m3 of air within an hour

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