The waiting rooms of train stations, airports, subway lobbies and theater foyers are always full of people who have met briefly only to part for good. But such meetings often do not go unnoticed even in the absence of direct physical contact. The air is filled with a large number of microorganisms, not always harmless. Doorknobs and handrails are full of live protozoa that are best avoided by people with compromised immune systems.
In sanitizing public places, ultraviolet light has come to play an important role, in addition to gloves, masks and alcohol wipes. The air circulating in a room is irradiated with germicidal ultraviolet using a recirculator or a UV section built into the ventilation duct. At the end of the route or at the end of the working day, powerful open bactericidal UV irradiators neutralize bacteria and viruses. The common area becomes safe again.
We manufacture all types of UV irradiators for public areas in series or to order, according to individual projects.

UV equipment for public places
01. UVL-AERO In duct UV Light Air Purifier
Bactericidal sections can be installed in supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems of almost any capacity and configuration. UV module is a part of the ventilation box, made of metal, with ultraviolet lamps installed inside. To select the section, in addition to the category of the building and its volume, it is necessary to know the capacity of the ventilation system.

02. UVL-AERO recirculators
Enclosed indoor germicidal recirculators will kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the air. They are stylish, compact units in durable steel housings that will fit into any interior. We produce double-acting recirculators: they can work with the lid closed as an air irradiator in the presence of people, and with the lid open as an air and surface irradiator in the absence of people.
The power of the recirculator is selected based on the volume of air in the room. 1W of UV lamp radiation is able to disinfect 5 m3 of air within an hour