To store products, especially food products, it is necessary to create special conditions: temperature regime, humidity, bactericidal safety. Otherwise, goods intended for profit can only bring losses through premature spoilage. Proper storage of vegetables, fruits and other food products is a complex and labor-intensive process. In any room on the surfaces and in the air is a large number and variety of microorganisms: bacteria, fungi spores and mold. And if you do not take care of disinfection in time - the sad outcome is almost inevitable.
We offer a modern solution for disinfecting air and surfaces - treatment with bactericidal ultraviolet light. Our air and surface irradiators are powered by powerful and compact amalgam lamps manufactured in-house. We will find the best solution to your problem, the best value for money.

We offer UV equipment
Useful information
01. UV section in the ventilation UVL-AERO
Bactericidal module to be installed in the ventilation duct to disinfect the air entering the room. The housing is made of stainless steel or galvanized metal. Inside there are amalgam UV lamps, which are more compact than mercury lamps with comparable UV power. Wires and cartridges are made of materials resistant to long-term exposure to powerful UV radiation.
UV section is made to order, based on the size of the duct cross-section, temperature in the room, air purity requirements (depends on the room category).

02. Recirculators UVL-AERO
Enclosed indoor germicidal recirculators will kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the air. They are stylish, compact units in durable steel housings that will fit into any interior. We produce double-acting recirculators: they can work with the lid closed as an air irradiator in the presence of people, and with the lid open as an air and surface irradiator in the absence of people.
The power of the recirculator is selected based on the volume of air in the room. 1W of UV lamp radiation is able to disinfect 5 m3 of air within an hour.

03. Irradiators UVL-AERO
Powerful open irradiators are designed for fast and effective treatment of the entire room area with germicidal ultraviolet light during non-working hours (at night or during breaks), provided there are no people present. Not only the air is treated, but also all surfaces in the room, on which there are always a lot of microorganisms.
The equipment is based on powerful and at the same time compact amalgam UV lamps. In case of damage, the lamps do not require demercurization of the room, as they do not contain mercury particles.